This type of partnership gives the chance to develop own business, as the partner of Forex Optimum. It is easy to become an Internet partner and does not require big knowledge in the field of IT or any special financial expenses.
The principle of creation of business is very simple and effective. To become a partner it is enough just to place information about the company on your on site and to attract clients, using your affiliate referral link. Thus, the tool kit choice for development of the business can be very wide.
You can attract clients in Internet using:
- creation of own site on customer acquisition;
- placement of banners on any thematic site;
- placing info about the Company on separate page of any site;
- Announcement placement in search engines like Google.
Registration Form of the client
- placement of a registration form on a thematic site.
Social networks
People actively communicate In social networks, share references and photos. Ideal option for attraction of a large number of clients. Creation of own group and filling it by interesting content about Forex.
- resources for discussion of important subjects and questions among the interested users.
- creation of a hot and interesting topic for discussion by traders and Forex partners.
The blog
- mailing of messages with the referral link
- announcement placement
- creation of own groups in a social networks
- subject creation at a forum with discussion
Currency Quotes
- placement of our quotes on any site.
Process of attracting a client is simple:
A reference, a banner or a html-code with quotations and a registration form is always available In your personal cabinet on our site. On a site of your own or any other site where you have the page, you can place any of above-mentioned materials. Having clicked such advertizing material, and having passed to the Company site, the client opens the account and is automatically attached to you.
After that the client starts to trade, and you obtain reward from a client trade turnover.